Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hair by me!

On Friday I did jojo's hair highlights the 2 shades of pink ombre dip die! And a hair trim! It's look so cool!! Success love it!!! but I'm dead now haha!! :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Look a likes!

Savannah and I! Ya we kinda look related! Haha and then the baby's ultrasound photos! But then again the all kinda look the same in those! :)

TGIF right!

Woke up today happy its Friday but still so freaken bored!!! Yesterday I was keeping myself busy doing everything from hair markup nails Landry and Easter eggs! Today I got my make up in the mail finally starting to feel like myself again!!! Savannah is got a huge imagination she playing all the time, I feel sorry for her having to be inside all the time but it's so cold a really nothing to do out side! I have a little back pain from being prego so I can't go far! Sucks so much that Ricky doesn't have a drivers license but theirs no point in getting one now when we are gonna move. Well hopefully I don't get all depressed today cause of boardom!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

My goodies!

If every week was like this I would be a happy girl!

Been busy today!!

23 weeks

Today Ricky felt the baby kicking for the first time! We haven't tried much being busy with savannah but tonight the little baby was kicking a lot and strong! Fun for Ricky! Never gets old of him! :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

21 weeks

Craving nothing special
I feel her kick everyday now. She's more active in the evening after dinner!
Savannah love kissing my stomach a little yo much lol! I washed nanas old baby clothes crazy this one will be in them soon.