Friday, December 28, 2012

Hormone overload. Down kitty!

What's happening to me? I'm happy then I'm crying or I'm crying cause I'm happy, or I'm sad. I don't know but I will cut you! I'm not normally like this but I'm very over protective of savannah, like mamma bear mode, don't mess with my kid. Or I'll cut you! I won't really or depends on the person. Ya the hormones are making me even more crazy than I was before, and I'm not impressed. I hate where I am. Meaning Sweden! I can't tell you how bad I want to leave. I'm scared to take a vacation back to Cali because I know I won't get back on the plane to go back to Sweden. I just won't. It's taking everything in my power to not say some things I'm thinking right now, so lets quit while I'm ahead. The end.

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