Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Your kidding...

This is what you get for not reding about the side effects of what your talking. Last time I was prego I needed to take these over the counter iron pills cause I was anemic. So 2 weeks ago I started getting horrible head aches like last time when I was anemic. I haven't seen the doc yet but I just assumed I should start the iron supplements and it also has folic acid so that's a plus! The head aches stopped but the "morning sickness and diarrhea" came on strong. I just thought omg I have horrible morning sickness. Yesterday I refused to take them I just wanted to test myself. I felt better than I had in days still a little nauseous but much better , I could even fix dinner!! WHAT??? So I then google iron pills side effects.... Depending on the type and dosage of iron you take, you may experience common side effects, which include upset stomach, dark stools, constipation and sometimes diarrhea or vomiting.
hallelujah!!!!! Answers! I have not taken them today ether and I feel a bit better today too! I'm just so glad and lesson learned read side effects!

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