Friday, February 15, 2013

Breaking point

OMG I'm so bored and so unbelievable frustrated right now. I can not take this anymore. I have not left this house not even gone out the front door in weeks and I think I'm gonna loose it. People in jail on America have more freedom and sunshine! I have to try with everything I have to find new thinks to do, granted that don't cost money money cause I'm not aloud to spend anything and I have no one to hang out with during the week. That's also partly my fault because I have been having head ache, and I don't wanna meet anyone that might be sick. But omg I really think I'm gonna go mental soon for real. I wanna saw some really bad words right now!!! And NO it's NOT easy for me to stay positive and unless and until you have been in my shoes and been in another counter away from everything that's family and home to you for 6 years then don't say a word. Cause you have no clue.
Most people won't even move out of a city because its out of their comfort zone, I move across the freaken world ok. And it's not that I'm just having a bad day, I have been have a bad day for 3 fucking years. Ok rant over. I hate it here.

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